Welcome to Shashi Chemicals !
We are in business of manufacturing ISOBorneol flakes (locally called Brass in India) for 25 years now.
We set very high standards in terms of customer satisfaction and manufacturing process.
We can help you produce ISOBorneol flakes under following ways
1. You give us order in terms of quantity and we deliver you product right on time. You don't need to worry
about anything else. You need to make sure that payments based on agreed Rs./Kg reaches us time.
2. If you believe you have better source for gathering raw materials (read isobornoel powder) ,
provide us with it and get your product on a per/kg manufacturing cost basis.
With our vast experience in manufacturing and retail of product we could be more than a manufacturing partner.
Currently we sell products in various parts of country - Delhi, Orissa, Punjab, West Bengal.
We are also open to import/export interests.
Minimum Order Quantity : 150Kg.
It's a relationship of trust and excellence.